Tuition Free Universities in Austria
If you are a non-EU student, federal/public universities in Austria only charge about 363.36 Euros for tuition fees plus 16.86 Euros for the Austrian Student Union and insurance fee per semester.
If you are a citizen of a least developed country, you are exempted to pay tuition fees at public universities in Austria and only need to pay 17 Euros per semester for the student union fee.
Cost of Studying in Austria: The cost of living for students in Austria is approximately 800 Euros per month which covers accommodation, food, and personal expenses.
Amount of the tuition fees
Tuition fee regulations as of the summer semester 2013
Degree Programme Students (ordentliche Studierende) who are nationals of an EU or EEA country and degree programme students who are granted the same rights regarding employment as Austrians on the basis of another contract under international law and who exceed the scheduled duration of their bachelor or master or doctoral/PhD programme or a section of their diploma degree programme by more than two semesters: 363.36 euros for each semester. If the tuition fees are paid during the additional enrolment period, they increase by 10%.
Non-Degree Programme Students (außerordentliche Studierende) who are only admitted to study a few specific courses at a higher education institution, no matter what their nationality: 363.36 euros for each semester (from the first semester)
Degree Programme Students (ordentliche Studierende) from third countries who are not included in para. 1 or the group of people according to § 1 of the regulation of the Federal Minister of Science and Transport about the definition of groups of people as regards admission to degree programme studies (groups of persons regulation / Personengruppenverordnung), BGBl. II No. 211/1997, as amended by the regulation BGBl. II No. 15/1998, and who possess a residence permit for students according to § 64 of the Settlement and Residence Act: 726.72 euros per semester (from the first semester; but no increased tuition fees in case of payment during the additional enrolment period)
All other Degree Programme students (ordentliche Studierende) from third countries to whom neither para. 1 nor para. 2, 1st sentence apply (especially those who have a residence title other than a “residence permit student” ("Aufenthaltsbewilligung Studierender"): 363.36 euros per semester (after the tuition fee-free period).
Students who are admitted to more than one degree programme, or more than one university, only have to pay their tuition fees once.
N.B: The regulations regarding waiver or reimbursement of the tuition fees remain unchanged.
All students have to pay the Austrian Student Union (Österreichische Hochschülerschaft, ÖH) fee and an accident insurance fee of altogether 17.50 euros per semester.
Information of the universities
Each university has its own regulations for a reduction or exemption or a (partial) refund of the tuition fees. For details please contact the Admission Office of your university.
If the tuition fees are paid after the general enrolment period but still within the additional enrolment period (which lasts until November 30th for the winter semester and April 30th for the summer semester), the tuition fees will increase by 10%.
If you are admitted to study at more than one university simultaneously, you only have to pay the tuition fees at one university. You, however, have to notify all other universities in writing at which Austrian university you paid the tuition fee.
The following students do not have to pay tuition fees:
Students in those semesters for which they can prove that they will pursue studies or practical training in the framework of transnational EU, state or university mobility programmes (e.g. Erasmus students, OeAD scholarship holders);
Foreign degree programme students (ordentliche Studierende) according to § 91 Abs. 2 University Act (= who would normally have to pay tuition fees of 363.36 euros) whose most recently attended university has concluded a university partnership agreement with the Austrian university or with Austrian universities that also provides for mutually exempting students from paying tuition fees;
Students who are only admitted to a university course (Universitätslehrgang) (e.g. University Preparation Programme); they have to pay the study fees (Unterrichtsgeld) for these courses instead;
Foreign students - who would normally have to pay tuition fees of 363.36 euros - from least developed countries;
Students who are on leave;
Students who exceed the minimum time of study in a part of studies and who were prevented from studying for more than 2 months in a semester due to illness, pregnancy or childcare duties;
Students who exceed the minimum time of study and who worked in the calendar year before the beginning of the semester and had a yearly income which exceeded the minimum income limit (Geringfügigkeitsgrenze) at least 14 times;
Students who exceed the minimum time of study due to a disability of at least 50%.
Mode of payment
When you are admitted to study the university will issue an encoded payment form. Please pay your tuition fees with this payment form. If the tuition fees are not paid on time, your admission will expire and you will not be able to continue your studies. After correct payment of the tuition fees you will receive a confirmation of the continuation of your studies (Fortsetzungsbestätigung), your record of studies (Studienblatt) for the relevant semester and a sticker for your student identity card. Your admission is valid until the end of the additional enrolment period of the following semester.
For more information, please contact the admission office of the university of your choice directly.
University of Vienna
Founded in 1365, the University of Vienna has a faculty of 6,500 scholars and 85,000 students, and the largest research library in Austria. Tuition is waived for Austrian citizens, though they must pay a number of smaller fees, adding up to a few hundred euros as of 2010.
University of Vienna
Universitätsring 1
1010 Vienna
T +43 1 4277-0
The University of Vienna
Dr.-Karl-Lueger-Ring 1
1010 Vienna
International Relations
Universitätsring 1
1010 Vienna
T +43 1 4277-18208
F +43 1 4277-9182
(Information about studies and admission)
Universitätsring 1
1010 Vienna
T +43 1 4277-10600
Admission Office
Universitätsring 1
1010 Vienna
T +43 1 4277-12101
F +43 1 4277-9121
Österreichische Hochschülerschaft (ÖH) an der Uni Wien
Uni Campus, Spitalgasse 2, Hof 1
1090 Vienna
T +43 1 4277-19501
F +43 1 4277-9195
University of Technology Vienna
Vienna University of Technology
Karlsplatz 13
1040 Vienna
T +43 1 588 01-0
F +43 1 588 01-41099
International Office
Gußhausstraße 28
1040 Vienna
T +43 1 588 01-0
F +43 1 588 01-41599
Admission Office
Karlsplatz 13
1040 Vienna
T +43 1 58801-41062/41063
F +43 1 58801-41096
Austrian Student Union
Wiedner Hauptstraße 8-10
1040 Vienna
T +43 1 58801-49501
F +43 1 5869154
University of Natural Resources and Life Sciences
University of Natural Resources and Life Sciences, Vienna
Gregor Mendel-Straße 33
1180 Vienna
T +43 1 476 54-0
F +43 1 476 54-1055
Center for International Relations
Peter Jordan-Straße 82a
1190 Vienna
T +43 1 47654-2600
F +43 1 47654-2606
Admission Office
Gregor Mendel-Straße 33
1180 Vienna
T +43 1 476 54-1086
F +43 1 476 54-1044
Austrian Student Union
Peter-Jordan-Straße 76
1190 Vienna
T +43 1 476 54-2000
F +43 1 476 54-2011
WU (Vienna University of Economics and Business)
WU (Vienna University of Economics and Business)
Augasse 2-6
1090 Vienna
T +43 1 313 36-0
F +43 1 313 36-740
International Office
Augasse 2-6
1090 Wien
T +43 1 313 36-4310
F +43 1 313 36-752
Admission Office/International Section
Augasse 2 - 6
1090 Vienna
T +43 1 313 36-6210
F +43 1 313 36-720
Austrian Student Union
Augasse 2-6
1090 Vienna
T +43 1 313 36-5400
F +43 1 313 36-748
University of Veterinary Medicine Vienna
University of Veterinary Medicine Vienna
Veterinärplatz 1
1210 Vienna
T +43 1 25077-0
F +43 1 25077-1090
International Office
Veterinärplatz 1
1210 Vienna
T +43 1 25077-1107
F +43 1 25077-1197
Study Administration Office
Veterinärplatz 1
1210 Vienna
T +43 1 25077-1300
F +43 1 25077-1381
Austrian Student Union
Veterinärplatz 1
1210 Vienna
T +43 1 25077-1700
F +43 1 713 68 95
Medical University Vienna
Medical University Vienna
Spitalgasse 23
1090 Vienna
T +43 1 40 160-0
F +43 1 40 160 910-000
International Office
Spitalgasse 23
1090 Vienna
T +43 1 40 160-21014
F +43 1 40 160-921001
Admission Office
Spitalgasse 23
Ebene 00
1090 Vienna
T +43 1 40 160-21000
F +43 1 40 160-921000
University of Graz
University of Graz
Universitätsplatz 3
8010 Graz
T +43 316 380-0
F +43 316 380-9140
International Office
Universitätsplatz 3
8010 Graz
T +43 316 380-1249
F +43 316 380-9156
Admission Office
Universitätsplatz 3
8010 Graz
T +43 316 380-1163
F +43 316 380-9105
Austrian Student Union
Schubertstraße 6a
8010 Graz
T +43 316 380-2900
Graz University of Technology
Graz University of Technology
Rechbauerstraße 12
8010 Graz
T +43 316 873-0
F +43 316 873-6562
International Relations and Mobility Programmes
Mandellstraße 15/II
8010 Graz
T +43 316 873-6425
F +43 316 873-6421
Admission Office
Rechbauerstraße 12
8010 Graz
T +43 316 873-6128
F +43 316 873-6125
Austrian Student Union
Rechbauerstraße 12
8010 Graz
T +43 316 873-5111
F +43 316 873-5115
Medical University Graz
Medical University Graz
Auenbruggerplatz 2
8036 Graz
T +43 316 385-0
F +43 316 385-72030
International Office
Mozartgasse 12
8010 Graz
T +43 316 380-4030
F +43 316 380-9613
Admission Office
Mozartgasse 12
8010 Graz
T +43 316 380-4040
F +43 316 380-9607
University of Linz
University of Linz
Altenbergerstraße 69
4040 Linz – Auhof
T +43 732 2468-0
F +43 732 2468-8822
International Office
Altenbergerstraße 69
4040 Linz
T +43 732 2468-3291
F +43 732 2468-3294
Admission Office
Altenbergerstraße 69
4040 Linz – Auhof
T +43 732 2468-0
F +43 732 2468-3289
Austrian Student Union
Altenbergerstraße 69
4040 Linz
T +43 732 2468-624
F +43 732 2468-9396
University of Salzburg
University of Salzburg
Kapitelgasse 4-8
5020 Salzburg
T +43 662 8044-0
F +43 662 8044-214
International Office
Kapitelgasse 6
5020 Salzburg
T +43 662 8044-2045
F +43 662 8044-154
Admission Office
Kapitelgasse 4
5020 Salzburg
T +43 662 8044-2251
F +43 662 8044-2261
Austrian Student Union
Kaigasse 28
5020 Salzburg
T +43 662 8044-6001
F +43 662 8044-6030
University of Innsbruck
University of Innsbruck
Christoph Probst-Platz 1, Innrain 52
6020 Innsbruck
T +43 512 507-0
F +43 512 507-2800
International Office
Herzog Friedrich-Str. 3
6020 Innsbruck
T +43 512 507-32405
F +43 512 507-32499
Admission Department
Innrain 52
6020 Innsbruck
T +43 512 507-2061
F +43 512 507-2804
Austrian Student Union
Josef Hirnstraße 7
6020 Innsbruck
T +43 512 507 4900
Medical University Innsbruck
Medical University Innsbruck
Christoph Probst Platz 1
6020 Innsbruck
T +43 512 507-3004
F +43 512 507-2995
International Office
Schöpfstraße 45
6020 Innsbruck
Postadresse: Innrain 52, Christoph Probst-Platz
T +43 512 9003-70064
F +43 512 9003-73060
Admission Office
Speckbacherstraße 31-33
6020 Innsbruck
T +43 512 9003-70043, -70044, -70045
F +43 512 9003-73041
University of Klagenfurt
University of Klagenfurt
Universitätsstraße 65 - 67
9020 Klagenfurt
T +43 463 2700-9200
F +43 463 2700-9299
International Office
Universitätsstraße 90
9020 Klagenfurt
T +43 463 2700-9207
F +43 463 2700-9293
Admission Office
Universitätsstraße 65-67
9020 Klagenfurt
T +43 463 2700-9121
F +43 463 2700-9197
Austrian Student Union
Universitätsstraße 65-67
9020 Klagenfurt
T +43 463 2700-8800
F +43 463 2700-8899
Danube University Krems
Danube University Krems
University for Continuing Education
Dr. Karl-Dorrek-Strasse 30
3500 Krems
T +43 2732 893-2286
F +43 2732 893-4280
International Office
Dr. Karl-Dorrek Straße 30
3500 Krems
T +43 2732 893-2282
F +43 2732 893-4280
University of Leoben
University of Leoben
Franz Josef-Straße 18
8700 Leoben
T +43 3842 402-0
F +43 3842 402-7702
International Office
Peter Tunner-Straße 25
8700 Leoben
T +43 3842 402-7201
F +43 3842 402-7202
Department for Studies and Continuing Education
Franz Josef-Straße 18
8700 Leoben
T +43 3842 402-7040
F +43 3842 402-7042
Austrian Student Union
Franz-Josef-Straße 18
8700 Leoben
T +43 3842 402-8101
F +43 3842 402-8102
Also Check this website: for Grants in Austria
This pieces of information provided herein are based on research across the internet. Despite strong effort to avail you with accurate information, the university and authorities concern can alter, update, and remove information at any time so I suggest you always contact relevant authorities and individual institutions concerned for latest and more specific information. Therefore I shall not be held liable for misuse, misapplication and misinterpretation of information contained herein.